Thursday, March 24, 2005


OMG I am moving in 13 days! So crazy. I am excited to have my own place.

I really don't think anyone reads the actual content here, since this is mostly used as a blogroll list, but here are the details: The new apartment is about 3-4 miles away from where I live now, in the same complex my parents live in. I really like the management of this place; that's part of why I went with them. I know the complex and all that good stuff.

Anthony (my boyfriend) is going to move in about a month after I do, and then it will be good times. Of course, it will also be weird. Previously, after all, we were in a long distance relationship, and now he's living pretty nearby but I only see him on Saturdays. This will be a new situation for me, and I'm used to being pretty independent and having my privacy. He, too, is kind of a loner. So it'll be a little weird, but it's not like it can't be done. Anyway, I am excited about having my own kitchen and whatnot. I feel weird cooking in my roommate's house, in part because I don't like the gas range and oven. *shrug*

I will be taking the exam for my white belt's stripe in a few classes, and I hope I don't shake as much as I did for the white belt exam. I need to practice the moves with the identifying names so I can do them and firmly associate them with a name and not the way they look, since I'll be doing them alone. Does that make sense? Anyway, a few classes after that I'll be taking the exam for the gold belt. I hope Anthony decides to take karate with me, once he has the cash flow going.